Help 1100 people get fresh water each day!
Let's band together to make a BIG difference in the lives of so many!
When was the last time you thought about finding clean water to drink? Most of us are so privileged that we snub perfectly clean water from our taps in favour of bottled water. Imagine a life where clean water simply wasn't an option. It's hard to think of that as a reality - isn't it?
BE A PART OF A CHANGE! Working together, let's raise the $15,000 that it takes to build a deep water well for a whole community! These wells bring in up to 11,000 liters a DAY of fresh water! Think of the benefits that this will bring about!
- Better health, hydration and nutrition
- Reduction in waterborn illnesses
- Decreased mortality and improved quality of life
- Freed up hours in the day (not required to walk miles and shlep possibly parasite ridden, filthy water over their shoulders, which we wouldn't bathe our dogs in, for thier consumption)
- Allow children to play and be kids - rather than spend huge parts of the day obtaining this basic need
Make a REAL difference - and know that your gift will continue to enrich and improve the lives of so many - for years to come!
TAX CREDITS! Come on - if you need an additional incentive to show compassion and kindness - this runs through World Vision, and as such, you will get tax credits. Everybody likes those ;-)
As an additional perk, I am compiling a list of individuals and companies who will offer speicals to kind hearted individuals who will donate to this cause! So you may literally get more than you give!
Anybody interested in being added to this list with an offer for compassionate givers, please let me know.
Since donations can be made anonymously (with screen name) it is important to notify those offering additional benefits of your registered screen name before donation (if it is not your actual name), as proof that it was you who made the donation.
I will begin by pledging $500.
Gentlemen matching or exceeding my donation ($500 or greater) will enjoy an additional 30 minutes together! View my website at to learn more about me!